About Us
about molly
20 years of higher education experience designing and teaching leadership, performance, career, and talent development curriculum for students, faculty, and staff.
15 years mentoring & coaching students & professionals towards their life’s purpose, career goals, and creating business brands.
7 years as an admissions & financial aid professional
BA in Psychology & Education
MSA in Training & Organizational Development
Focus Areas

Molly founded Golden Age Leadership in 2016 in Wilmington, NC while also serving as the HR Director of Employee Leadership, Learning and Engagement at UNC Wilmington. During the most difficult of ages, she believes gold can always be found if we make the time to define what we want the gold to be. Gold doesn’t always come as dollars and it doesn’t always make sense but living life on purpose and taking action towards those dreams leads to increased satisfaction, and confidence that equates to just that… PURE GOLD! For the past 20 years, Molly has made an impact facilitating leadership, learning & engagement programs and coaching individuals and teams in K-12 and university settings.
A few of her most popular areas of focus are:
Transitioning from student to working professionals—see Imperfectly Balanced & Adulting in the Workplace classes
Setting & achieving goals—see Art of One Word class
Resume & cover letter writing, interview prep & salary/benefit negotiation—see Career Development class
Exploring careers and strengths and learning from those doing what you are doing.
molly's services
Consultations—Zoom or by phone.
In person, virtual or hybrid presentations and workshops.
Additional coaching services include and learning programs include.
Previous clients range from high school students to young professionals; faculty and teachers to staff and counselors; frontline leaders to senior administration.